Learn the manifestor strategy in a way that’s actually useful.
Beyond just informing, discover the strengths and challenges of manis, their signature, not-self theme, aura, processing anger as a Manifestor and why there’s so much resistance for Manifestors to the informing part of their strategy.
And of course, I’m sharing lots of my personal experience as a Manifestor.
Get your manifestor cheat sheet here.
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See you on next Monday for part 2!
Transcript below:
Hello welcome. Today, we are starting to get into the individual type episodes and we’re starting off with manifestors, which is what my type is. So I’m sharing quite a bit of my personal manifestor experience in this episode. I’ve broken this episode down into two parts because it was getting pretty long. So you will get part once a day, where we’re going to get into the core parts of being a manifestor. The strengths, the challenges, what manifestors are not here to do. We get into the signature, the not self theme as well as some extra unofficial, not self experiences for manifestors. We’re talking about the aura, processing, anger as a manifestor, which is so important. And of course, strategy. When I first got into human design, this whole informing manifestor strategy, really wasn’t helpful to me at all. So I break it down into what I believe the manifestor strategy actually is and how we energetically operate and how I’ve been operating the past few years. That’s really helped me get into alignment. And whenever I say that I like to preface that I still have a lots of aligning to do too I am by no means perfect. But understanding the strategy in this context has really helped me as a manifestor where just the informing piece really didn’t do anything for me. We’re also going to talk about resistance to strategy because the informing piece of the strategy is really not something that comes naturally to us, like at all, for the most part. And, you know, I like to make cheat sheets for you so you can download the manifestor cheat sheet at sortofspiritual.com/manifestor. Where you’ll get all kinds of notes from this episode to help you better understand. And remember what we talk about for manifestors And like I said, I have a whole other episode coming next week. Part two, where I talk about manifestor secret strategies and how you really need to stop them as well as so much more on manifestors. So let’s get started with this episode today Manifestors are about 9% of the population. I’ve seen some stats, I’d say eight, some say 10, whatever, who cares. It’s a rough estimate, but they are said to be shrinking in population. The strategy of a manifestor is to inform, I like to say something different, which we’re going to get into later in this episode. Because I think the strategy of informing leaves a lot to interpretation and imagination. The manifestor signature is peace. Their not self theme is anger. Their aura is closed and repelling, and they can have many different authorities. So a manifestor can have emotional authority, a splenic authority or an ego authority. The focus is really around initiating and impacting and manifester power. Okay, let’s talk a little bit about manifestor strengths. Manifestors are here to manifest things into form or existence. And before we get too far into this, I want to distinguish the difference between manifesting in terms of like how we can all manifest our reality. And manifesters in terms of human design, they’re different. So it’s not like manifestors are the only type they can manifest things and that other types can’t, that’s not true at all. However manifestors are designed to be especially good at bringing things into form or existence because of that motor connected to the throat because they have energy or power connected to the center that is here to bring things into form or existence, which is the throat center. Generally manifestors are great at acting independently. They can impact others and they can initiate action very well on their own. They are great at leading and they’re really designed to, although it might not look like traditional leadership and actually it’s not really supposed to look like traditional leadership anymore. So like I mentioned in the last podcast episode, that was a type 1 0 1 manifestors were traditionally said to be Royals or monarchs in the past, and have this lead from above kind of a vibe. That’s not really what we’re going for anymore as manifestors. Their roles as traditional rulers is said to have ended in the 17 hundreds. And now the leadership capacity is going to look quite different for manifestors in terms of bringing new innovations into the world and leading at the peer level, as opposed to from above. Manifestors are also great at bringing new information or creating new worlds. And I love this because Ra Uru Hu the founder of human design was a manifestor. So it’s no surprise, right? He was the one that channeled this synthesis of the human design system and brought it into our world. So if that’s what manifestors are here to do, this is what manifestors are not here to do. They are not here to please others. They are not here to care about what other people think. They’re not here to seek the opinions of others. They are not here to ask permission and they’re not here to be alone. It’s often said that manifestors don’t need others. And while mechanically that’s true in the human design sense that they have a motor connected to the throat. They don’t need other people. We all need other people. But this energetic sense for manifestors that you don’t mechanically need other people can sometimes be hard on your relationships because it’s like other people can sense that you don’t quote unquote need them, but no one is meant to operate alone. So although manifestors can definitely do a lot alone and are often, far more independent, no one is meant to be alone. We all need other people. I think independence for manifestors can definitely be both a strength and a challenge, but I want to start talking a little bit about the challenges that manifestors can face. I believe that manifestors are one of the most conditioned types out of their type. And part of the reason for that is as children, manifestors are not the easiest to manage, manifestors at any age are not the easiest to manage because we’re not really designed to be, but this quality can make raising a manifestor child quite difficult, or having a manifestor student in your class as a teacher, quite difficult because manifestors are not really here to play by the rules. And because of that, they’re often very conditioned to behave because their natural sense is the opposite. So they often have the experience as children of being very much conditioned to not trust themselves and to behave. And that’s a challenge because that’s 180 degrees from how we’re designed to be operating. And that was very much my experience. I feel like when I found human design, I was so out of alignment and I’ve changed so much since then. But when I heard about being a manifestor, it just felt like a yes, in my body, it was this recognition of like, oh my gosh, that’s it, that is who I am. That’s how I’m designed to be. So if you’re a manifestor or if you’re working with a manifestor and you feel like you’re really conditioned outside of the manifestor type that’s okay. Manifestors can change very quickly and can get in alignment quite quickly as well. So don’t worry if you feel like you’re off track right now. Another challenge for manifestors. Is that they’re often not aware of their impact and can sort of leave a wake of destruction. They’re like a little tornadoes going through things sometimes really not understanding the impact they have on other people. And again, this is one of those things as children, we get really conditioned to behave and to be good as kids, because we seem to have this impact that we don’t really get on other people. So we get in trouble. We get disciplined. In terms of sustainability. Manifestors are great at starting and initiating things, but not always great at finishing things or seeing things through. And I want to revisit this whole idea. How we are breaking apart the entire system here, when I’m sharing about the themes of type, because although manifestors, aren’t necessarily designed to see everything through, it doesn’t mean that they can’t finish projects. And I don’t think it’s a great thing to take on this idea that as a manifestor, I can’t finish things. I’m not designed to finish things like how is that useful? I think it can be helpful to understand your energy, where it works better for you to delegate or for you to have someone else that can help you finish things up, because you’re not always going to have the sustainable energy to fully see all of your initiations through. But there’s a difference between understanding how you work best and how your energy works best and using this as an excuse to not be able to do anything, because for most manifestors, there’s going to be points that they are going to have to see things through. Is it going to be challenging? Potentially. Can they do it? Yes. So while it may be a challenge and it’s not necessarily a strength for manifestors, that’s okay. You may also have other energies in your chart that do make you good at finishing things. So it’s not a blanket statement that manifestors are terrible at finishing things or seeing things through. And it is helpful to understand that that’s not the optimal way for your energy to work. I really try to approach human design with the idea of understanding ourselves and not creating excuses for ourselves. And I think this is definitely one of those areas that can be an excuse that I don’t want to give you. So on this same theme of manifestors not necessarily being the greatest at finishing things on their own delegating is really helpful for manifestors to develop as a skill. And because manifestors have this sort of nonverbal creative flow, it often feels like it would take a, manifestor far longer to explain something to someone than it would for them to just do it themselves. And I feel this so hard. I’m currently at the point in my business where I really need to hire an assistant. I have so much stuff that I’m doing. I’ve hired contractors here and there, but I really need like a full-time person to work in my business with me. And I have been resisting it. I am not fully resisting it. I am in the process of it, but I’m not moving full speed ahead with it because I have a lot of other stuff going on right now where I’m just like, I do not have the time to hire someone to train someone. It’s going to take me so long to explain how my entire business works. And of course, it’s going to take a long time to explain that to someone. And so it’s really easy for me to get into this belief that I can just do it myself. That it’ll be faster for me to just do it myself, that I don’t need to tell someone else I don’t need to delegate this to someone else. I can just keep doing this all on my own when I can’t not, if I want to continue growing and expanding. And especially when you’re in the middle of your creative flow as a manifestor, it can be so difficult to translate that creative energy into words, to explain something to someone. Manifestors can also have challenges working on teams. And it’s not that manifestors, can’t be team players, but they’re also not necessarily designed to be, unless they’re the one leading the team and they’re not always going to be, so it can be challenging for them to be really cooperative on a team for so many reasons, because manifestors, don’t often like to inform, so they don’t necessarily let the team know what they’re up to or what they’re working on. Sometimes they have difficulty delegating things to a team. And it’s funny. I look back to when I had actual jobs and I always had I’m a great team player on my resume. And I see that now. And I’m like, that’s kind of a lie. And it’s like, it’s not that I’m not a good team player that I can’t be what I need to be, but it’s not the most natural thing for me. And I look back now and I see that that was more so like me being a good team player was more so my not self-expression of people pleasing and trying to make sure that other people thought I was good and helpful and worthy as opposed to how I really naturally operate. Another thing I find can be really challenging for a manifestor, which might seem kind of silly is how to live for yourself and to know, what you want. If a manifestor was raised as a manifestor and they were allowed to operate as a manifestor their entire life, I don’t think this would be a challenge. However, what is challenging is that manifestors are often huge people pleasers and after they’ve lived that way for years, decades, however long it is, they really don’t know how to live for themselves. And it’s not that they can’t learn it, but sometimes I think when people are first learning about human design, it can be really confronting as a manifestor and I’ve totally been there. And I understand it as a personal example, when I got divorced, I was with my ex for seven years and I cooked pretty much every single meal that we ate in. And I really was trying to be like a good wife and cook food that he wanted and food that was tasty. And had variety so I wasn’t always making the same things. And to be honest, I drove myself a little bit crazy with what I was cooking all the time. But when I got divorced, I honest to God did not know what to eat because I had spent the last seven years of my life hyper-focused on what this other person wanted to eat and what would make him happy and what would be interesting to him and what would like, you know, satisfy him and whatever. And there was probably a whole bunch of things wrong with that, but regardless, I really did not know what to eat when I left. I remember just for months, honestly, probably a couple of years, just not really knowing what I wanted to eat because I was so out of tune with my own urges and my own interests. Okay, moving on. Manifestors are also designed to be different and they often feel alienated. Sometimes it feels that people don’t understand you. And it can be difficult to explain your process to people of how you did something or how you’re going to do something because people want to know they want to be looped in and your inner world, which we’ll get to when we talk about the informing piece. And it’s common for manifestors to feel ahead of their time or mature beyond their years, or like they’re waiting for others to catch up because they just have a different way of seeing things. And it’s not that they’re better than other types. They just often have a different perspective. Manifestors are really here to bring new ideas. Other people don’t need to get you or your ideas. You are not here to please other people, your correct group of people will get you. And I really recommend for manifestors to stop running your ideas by others, especially if you’re doing it to get their opinions or feedback. As a manifestor, you’re designed to see things differently. You can innovate, you can bring ideas to the world that others may not be able to see or understand right now. So don’t ask others for feedback on your ideas, because it’s not important. It’s about you bringing in what feels right to you at the right time for you. And in my personal experience, I had this coach a while back. I don’t know, six or seven years ago now. And actually I’ve had a few experiences with coaches telling me essentially to not do my ideas. And so the first coach that I ever hired, which was honestly a terrible experience, I think I shared a little bit about this from a different perspective in the emotional authority podcast, perhaps. But at the time I really wanted to build a coaching program around self-love because it was something that had completely transformed my life and it made such an impact. And she essentially told me that it didn’t sound cool and so I didn’t do it. And she guided me to do this whole other thing, which I really never did. I never initiated it. I didn’t have the energy behind it. I spent all this time and energy trying to create it, but it just didn’t feel aligned for me. And at the time I just thought there was something wrong with me. I didn’t understand human design. I didn’t understand being a manifestor. And it just felt like such a struggle. And it’s interesting looking back because at that time, when I wanted to create it, self-love coaching and self love stuff wasn’t really popular. It was a little bit weird. So I can understand to a degree, my coach saying what she said, because there wasn’t a huge market for it at the time, but now here we are. And it’s like all over the place. It’s huge businesses. There’s books, there’s podcasts, there’s coaching, there’s all kinds of stuff on this topic. And I could have created a business around that. I didn’t and that’s okay. But it really solidifies this idea of other people not understanding the vision that you have and that’s okay. Just because other people can’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not right. And even with my online program, HD school, I had a coach that I hired about two years ago now that told me not to teach human design. And she told me not to create teaching programs because they wouldn’t be profitable. And I needed to do like coaching or whatever first. And I followed that for a little bit until I was like, no, the urge to create HD school and to teach human design was so strong that I decided to just go all in with my human design and with what my urges were sharing. And it has been successful beyond what I really could have imagined. And I’m so grateful that I’ve learned to listen to my urges and to listen to myself. Even when the feedback from others doesn’t make sense and other people don’t see how it’s going to work. That’s okay. Like I’ve said like five times already, other people aren’t designed to see what you see as a manifestor. When you can build that level of trust with yourself, which from my experience is really just going to come through experimentation. It makes it so much easier to trust your ideas that are different or weird or new, or aren’t what other people are doing and still be able to do them anyways. Okay. So let’s move on to the signature. This manifester signature is peace and the peace really comes from the freedom to do what you want when you want to do it. And you really experience peace as a manifestor when you are initiating and when you are making an impact and when you are informing others to clear resistance. I think it’s funny because even though I own my own business and I get to make my schedule, I still get sometimes trapped in this idea of how everyone else works and how I’m supposed to do things. And so sometimes I’ll get in a week or two of these really standard business hours. And I start to feel sort of miserable because I feel like I don’t have a lot of freedom. And then I’m like, oh yeah, I get to do what I want. I’ve worked for years to create this, to have this level of freedom in my business and my schedule. And it is something that feels, so good. Another thing for manifestors that I really recommend is creating space in your calendar. If you’re a busy all the time, I find it very tricky to get into alignment as a manifestor and you might have a different experience of that. So to each their own experiment with what works best for you. But as a general rule, I try to have at least two days a week where I have absolutely nothing on my schedule and it doesn’t mean that I’m not going to do anything, but it gives me so much space to do my work on those days when I know I don’t have to stop, or I know I’m not going to be interrupted again, that idea of that uninterrupted creative flow that manifestors have. And creating time and your calendar on your schedule to have that uninterrupted space, one feels so peaceful, but two is so helpful for your whole manifestor process. Okay. So if peace is a signature for manifestors the not self theme for a manifestor, which is really what you’re going to feel when you’re out of alignment is anger. I find this really interesting because when I work with manifestors, I find they tend to fall into two camps. They either hear this and they’re like, oh yeah, I have so much anger. Oh my gosh. Or they’re more like I was when I first learned this and I was like, anger, I’m not angry. I’m never angry. What are you talking about? And I didn’t even realize that I was angry because so many manifestors become fairly intense people pleasers. And when you’re that much of a people pleaser, you wouldn’t dare express your anger. And I think especially as women or women identifying manifestors expressing your anger can be difficult. And it isn’t something that our society always accepts. But learning to express your anger as a manifester, is such a powerful thing to be able to do. And by express your anger, I don’t mean that you need to throw a plate at someone’s head, but learning how to express your anger in a way that’s healthy for you. And sometimes I find that anger is masked by other feelings of sadness or guilt or shame when really there’s just anger that needs to be processed. One of my favorite ways to process anger is something that I like to call rage journaling, where I will turn off the wifi on my computer. So I can’t accidentally send my rage journaling to someone else, or it’s not going to sync to all my devices or whatever. And I’ll open up a text doc or a note or an email or whatever, wherever you want to write this. And I do this on my computer. Cause I find for me, anyways, rage is a very fast emotion and writing with my hand is just way too slow. Sometimes even typing isn’t fast enough, but that’s just what I find to be the most helpful still for me. And I will just hammer it out on my keyboard and get the anger out and then I’ll be like, okay, what else? And then more will come out and like, what else more will come out. And then after a little while I will truly feel done. And it’s just like, oh, it feels like such a relief. And I feel so much more clear when the anger has been processed and released. Another aspect I think of the manifestor in, they’re not self, and this is not the official, not self theme. They’re not self theme is anger, but when manifestors aren’t in alignment or they’re in, their not self, I find they can feel really powerless. It can be a frustrating or an angering experience when you hear that manifestors are here to make an impact. And you’re like, what on earth are you talking about? There’s not any impact that I can make. I don’t have this ability. I’m not a powerful person. And there’s this concept of trained helplessness. This is such a relatable concept to manifestors that are in, their not self or that aren’t in alignment. So I don’t know if you’ve heard of this before, but a simple story or analogy is often shown with elephants. When you have an elephant, like a little baby elephant, they will, when they’re training them, they can tie an elephant just to a stake in the ground. They’ll put a rope around their leg or whatever, and put a stake into the ground to hold the elephant. And as the elephant grows, you better believe they could rip that stake out of the ground, no problem. But they’ve grown up believing that this thing will hold them because at one point it could. And I think that really illustrates the concept of a manifestor because often when they’re young, they’re so conditioned that they can’t do things because as a little kid, you really didn’t have the ability to, or you weren’t allowed to. And so manifestors grow up and become adults that still believe that they don’t have the power, or they don’t have the ability to do things when they do. And they can absolutely amaze themselves with the stuff that they can initiate. If they give themselves permission to actually see their power and explore their power and experience the impact that they have. Another pretty big, not theme for a manifestor is potentially becoming a workaholic. So all manifestors are going to have undefined or open sacral centers. And with that, the not self theme of the sacral center is not knowing when enough is enough. And because the sacral center is often associated with work. This theme of not knowing when enough is enough and trying to really prove that you can work hard with the combination of the powerful manifestor energy that you do have can really turn manifestors into workaholics. Okay. So let’s move on to the manifestor aura. The manifestor aura is described as dense and repelling. And if you imagine it like a bouncy ball, like you have this big dense hard rubber ball. And it, there’s not a lot of give to this ball. It pushes into people and it has an impact when it lands. And manifestors need this type of aura, because if you’re here to do something new, if you’re here to do something different, you need this kind of protective aura around you, where you can push where you need to push. And you’re not going to be massively impacted by the energy of others. I jokingly call this aura, the resting bitch aura, because I feel like that dense and repelling energy sort of has a similar vibe, although it doesn’t have to be this way, and the aura can sometimes be misinterpreted as threatening or trying to take charge. And this feeling that you pose a threat to other people and in a way you do pose a threat to order and stability. And that’s fine. You’re not here to just go along with the status quo and to just do what has been always done. And you’re also not here for everybody. You’re not here to make everybody happy and that’s okay. No type is, but especially Manifestors. I really liked to drill that into manifestors that not everyone is going to like you, you are designed so that everyone doesn’t like you. And if you are watering yourself down to try to make the maximum number of people like you, as opposed to being your concentrated dense self, where the right people are going to feel super aligned with you and the wrong people won’t perfect. That’s what you want. Okay. So let’s talk about the manifestor strategy. Officially the strategy is to inform, but from my perspective, this is not a real strategy. Informing is something that manifestors are meant to do for other people. It helps other people feel better about being around manifestors. It helps other people feel safe being around manifestors and it helps the manifestor in turn by clearing resistance. So this idea of informing it’s like clearing a path so that your energy can go through that path more easily, But that’s not how a manifestors actually operate informing is a way to clear a resistance if a manifestor was alone they wouldn’t need to inform because that’s not how their energy works in that sense. So I don’t find it to be a real strategy or very useful necessarily, especially at first, because informing doesn’t do a whole lot for a manifestor except clear resistance, and it doesn’t give you a clue of what you’re supposed to be informing other people about. So when I talk about manifestors, I think the real manifestor strategy is to wait for the urge. We often look at other types like, oh, the generator strategy is wait to respond. The projector’s strategy is wait for the invitation. The manifestor strategy also involves waiting. It’s not just informing anyone of any random idea that comes into your head and then doing that thing and initiating that thing. No, it’s really about waiting for the urge to come through. And once you have that urge, then you’re going to inform the people that are going to be impacted and then actually initiate on that urge. That’s a sort of ideal manifestor strategy. And if you want to go one step further, manifestors need to rest for the urges to come through. Just like other types have some sort of external thing that they respond to or an invitation that they get. Manifestors have an internal cue or an internal process of receiving this urge. And as a manifestor, that’s going to be one of the first things that you want to do is to start experimenting or experiencing. If you do already know what this is, of what the difference feels like for you between just some sort of an idea that you get versus the urge and the urge is different. I find it sticks around longer. So you can ignore an urge for a little while, and it will continue to show up where are these random ideas that you have will come and go usually a lot more quickly. When it comes to the manifestor strategy, you need to wait. You need to rest. You need to have space in your life and in your energy. And when you do wait for that urge to come through, Once you get the urge, inform the people that are going to be impacted and then you can initiate with a lot more ease. So what would that actually look like in practice? Let’s say I received the urge to create a new program. I informed the people that are going to be impacted by my actions. So let’s say I inform my partner that I want to create this new thing. I inform my students that this thing is going to be coming soon. I informed my VA that I’m going to be hiring at some point shortly that, you know, I’m going to need her support in doing some graphics for this or whatever it is I need for that. And then I can go ahead and initiate and have it be a smooth process where the people that are going to be impacted are on board. They understand what’s happening and I’m not going to be getting a bunch of resistance from my partner being like, wait, what, what are you doing? You didn’t tell me about this. And I thought we were going to do this this weekend, and now you have this whole other plan to create something new. So, rest, wait for the urge, inform, initiate. I do want to note that initiating doesn’t always feel great for manifestors because it’s not always going to go well. You’re going to receive this urge and you’re going to initiate something. It doesn’t mean every single thing you initiate is going to be amazing. It doesn’t mean that everything you initiate, people are going to love, or you’re going to get great feedback from. Looking at this as an experimenting process, I think is really the most valuable thing because initiating can really be a challenge as a manifestor. I do find that things I initiate from actual urges are far easier than things that are not urges that are just ideas or things that I think I should do. So experiment with that for yourself, but know that initiating can still be challenging even if it is correct for you. Okay. So let’s talk a little bit more about the informing piece. Informing isn’t natural for manifestors. It’s not always easy, but it is really helpful. And it’s something that I think manifestors can and should learn to do. Informing is not asking for permission. And informing is kind of like narrating your life. Even if you think others don’t need to know these things, others want to know it helps them to feel safe around you. It helps them to feel respected by you. It helps them to feel understood by you. So it’s just like, Hey, I’m going to go to the store. Hey, I’m going to start working on this project. Hey, I’m going to make dinner at this time. Hey, I’m going to go out with my friend this night of the week. Because you have an impact. Other people want to know how they’re going to be impacted. And like I said earlier, how manifestors can have this impact, like a little tornado, if you know, a tornado is coming, it’s a lot easier for you to deal with the impact of that tornado or plan for the impact of that tornado versus not. It’s also really great for manifestors to have other people in your life inform you. So strategies can work both ways to a degree and having other people inform you also really helps you feel good as a manifestor. Ocassionally I still catch myself asking for permission, especially in my relationship where there’s something that I want to do. I’ve learned to catch myself when I’m about to ask for something I’ll tell. Like, Hey, do you want to go for a walk? I’ll tell the person, or I’ll tell my partner, Hey, I want to go for a walk. Do you want to come with me? And he can come if you wants but he knows that I want to go for a walk instead of me asking him if he wants to, because in one sense, it’s like, I don’t necessarily care if he wants to. And I mean, I do, I don’t want him to do stuff he doesn’t want to do, but that’s not why I’m asking. I’m not asking because I want to know if he wants to go for a walk. I’m asking because I want to go for a walk and I want to know if he wants to come with me. as a manifestor Be straightforward and say, I want to do this, or I’m going to do this. And then ask if the other person wants to be involved. In terms of the informing piece and a manifestor being informed, I also find it really helpful cause manifestors, aren’t always great at reading the room. It’s not that they can’t, but again, we’re kind of like a bull in a China shop. We come in with our big energy, our aura is naturally not the most receptive to other energies. and so I’ve had many experiences where I go in and just kind of go about my regular thing. And it takes me a couple of minutes before I’m like, wait, what’s going on here? What’s wrong, what’s off. And so informing manifestors instead of waiting for them to notice or expecting them to notice can also be really helpful. When I was first experimenting with informing, I think it’s so funny because I would build it up in my head I was always prepared for a fight because I think growing up, I was used to that of wanting to do something and my parents or my teachers being like, well, you can’t do this or you can’t do that. And I would build up in my head about informing of like, okay, I’m just going to tell this person this, and I’m just gonna tell them, and I’m not going to ask permission. And then, okay. So then if they say this, that I’m going to say that. And if they say that, so I going to say this, and I would build up this whole defense in my head of how this was going to go of me informing someone of something that I want to do. And when I would actually inform the person would be like, okay. And I would just be like, what? Okay. You’re not gonna fight me. You’re not gonna ask me to explain myself. You’re not going to ask me for my reason. Okay. And so again, I really just invite you to experiment with this because I was so dumbfounded at first that people didn’t argue with me and people didn’t really care and we’re just happy to be informed. And I think the more that you do that, the more you’ll realize that you can do that. And one last piece to note about this whole strategy piece for manifestors is manifestors really get energy from initiating. Manifestor burnout can happen from working too much, just like all the other types, but it can also happen from not initiating. If you’re a manifestor and if there’s this urge that you’ve been getting and you’ve been ignoring it or putting it off and putting it off and putting it off. The actual initiation can really help. As I was preparing for this podcast, I went over the notes that I made when I was creating this class for HD school last year. And one of the things that I talked about in the class was I had been wanting to create energy type classes for probably a year at that point. So I had notes stored in all these different places about the class that I wanted to teach on manifestors. And before I was creating a class for my students, I was going through all these notes and I was rechecking my research because I really wanted to make sure I gave my students a full and complete manifestor class. But I noticed I was getting so exhausted because I was not quite procrastinating, but I was going over things and redoing things and checking things and making sure that everything was good. And not that you shouldn’t do that, but as soon as I started initiating and actually doing the creating, my energy really came back. Be mindful of that as a manifestor that often a kind of depressive like feeling can come over, you or a burnout feeling can come over you. And it’s not because you’re doing too much. It could be, but it could also be because you’re not doing enough initiating of the things that you actually have the urges to do. Okay, we’re going to stop it right there for this week. Make sure you get your cheat sheet for manifestors where I’m going to share lots of notes and reminders on what we talked about today, as well as next week at sort of spiritual.com/manifestor. Part two of this episode will be released next week, where we’re getting into manifestor energy, the creative flow, deep rest and burnout, secret strategies, or why I call manifestors liars. Sorry, if you don’t like to hear that, but it might be something that’s really helpful for you to understand about yourself as a manifestor or about other manifestors around you. This manifestor is so full of love and gratitude for you. Thank you so much for being here and listening. I hope you have a beautiful week and I will see you next Monday for part two.