2 – 14 Channel of Resources

Sort of spiritual

This channel is associated with money, but it’s really about resources which covers a lot more than just money. You are designed to be supported in your unique direction.

You’re designed to be unique and empower others. Your resources (money, network etc) are designed to support this.

Let’s put it this way, when you have money to support your “weird” pursuits, people are often inspired by your innovation and eccentricity. When you don’t, people think you’re just weird.

I think being weird is a great thing by the way.

This channel gives direction to your soul through response.

Actually, everything about this channel is through response.

If you’re not resonating with the wealth of resources that you need, check and see if you’re really using that response strategy.

You likely won’t know the end point of where your Sacral is taking you, so it’s important that you develop trust with this source in you.

Be unique to your unique individuality and respond to what is right for you.

Let go of the version of yourself you think you need to be and allow yourself to just be you.

Fun fact! Your aura can empower other people to take a new and innovative direction as well. When you are true to yourself, your energy alone can help others do the same.

It’s like you have a key to evolution and continually unlock the next level and the next level and the NEXT level of resources you require for your evolution.

Trusting your Sacral and trusting you DESERVE TO RECEIVE is how the alchemy of this channel comes alive. Stay open to the universe providing you with everything you need.

Make sure you have room in your energy (aka you’re not burned out or busy to the max) for the Universe to bring you what you need to respond to.

2 – 14 Affirmations

I am supported with the resources I need to support my direction.

I am designed to be supported on my own unique path. When I empower people to take innovative directions.

I let go of who I think I should be and continually become more of myself.

I am open to the universe providing me with everything I need to be the most authentic version of me.

I deserve to receive everything for my expansion.

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