Gate 64 in Human Design

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Gate 64
Gate 64 Confusion

Why is this called confusion and how can this be a good gate to have?⁠

I remember a former coach of mine saying you’re not confused about trying to build an airplane, because you’re not trying to build an airplane.⁠

Meaning — confusion is a part of the process.⁠

This gate received epiphanies, big downloads from the universe – and these big downloads can create a lot of CONFUSION for us because unfortunately, the universe doesn’t send the step-by-step manual down with it. ⁠

But, because HD has our back – all you need to do is follow your strategy & authority and trust that the next steps are going to be revealed to you when the timing is right.⁠

This is a very visual gate, so using visual processes to help make sense of the download can be really helpful (check out my highlight called Planning) Try post it walls, mind maps, drawing things out etc.⁠

A challenge is that this gate often feels a lot of pressure to get rid of the confusion and make sense of everything (especially looking at the past). ⁠

You can feel overwhelmed and get stuck when you try to use your mind to figure it all out. ⁠

This gate so badly wants to know HOW everything will happen it can make itself a bit crazy. ⁠

When you’re in that space, take a break, remind yourself the how is not your job and the next steps will come to you when the time is right. Your strategy & authority is here to help!⁠

Remember: you are designed to translate inspiration in a way that others can receive it. Stay in the energy of possibility and trust the next steps are coming to you all in perfect timing. ⁠

Gate 64 Themes

I’Ching Name: Before Completion

Zodiac: Virgo

Circuit: Collective [this energy is meant to be shared]

Channel: 47-64 Abstraction

Gate 64 Themes

👉 Do you have the gate 64? Did this resonate? Let me know if the comments! 👈⁠

Want to learn more about the gates? Get access to the full Library of all 64 Gates here

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