11 – 56 Channel of Curiosity

Sort of spiritual

“Life is about the journey, not the destination” is this channel summed up in a bumper sticker, but there’s so much more to it.

I think the channel is so fun. You’re here to be a wanderer, a seeker. Not necessarily a finder, or someone who brings the answers, but someone who has experiences and can teach the collective through stories.

It often manifests as someone who lives a life looking for adventure, experience and sharing their stories with us, but you don’t even have to have the experiences yourself – sometimes you’re incredible at collecting the stories and experiences of others and sharing with us that way (especially if you also have gate 13.)

Through your teaching and sharing, you transform us.

Now, I can’t not mention gate 11 here – this gate is BURSTING with ideas. Amazing! But remember it’s NOT YOUR JOB to make them all come to life. Enjoy the ideas then use your strategy and authority (aka wait until they come back to you before acting on them if you want the most ease and flow in life).

The tricky part of this channel is that it’s Projected (yes, even if you’re not a Projector, you can have Projected channels).

And that’s tricky because this channel works incredibly well when it’s invited. When someone asks for you ideas or your stories or teachings – they’re captivated. When you try to force them on people, they usually don’t listen, or they take your ideas and don’t give you credit.

Just because you have a lot to share doesn’t mean you have to always be sharing, especially if your audience isn’t the right match for you.

11 – 56 Affirmations

I am here to seek truth and share stories of my experiences.

I know life is about the journey.

I am overflowing with incredible ideas and I know it’s not my responsibility to do them all.

I am happy to share my ideas with others when I am asked.

I can transform others through my teaching and storytelling. I surrender to the experience of seeking and release any attachment to the destination.

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