Integrations Channels 101

Sort of spiritual

This is a messy area of the body graph, and becoming differentiated individuals is also a messy process, so I think it’s fitting.

I’ve been getting a lot of DMs about this these gates, so let’s get into it.

So I’m breaking down in these slides some 101 of the Integration Channels. I also talked about this on my stories and saved it as a highlight called Circuitry, so go watch that to get a fuller picture.

Although the Integration Channels aren’t technically a circuit, they might as well be and when we understand the themes of the circuit, it helps us to better understand the energy of the channels.

Circuitry is one of my fave pieces of design, so I might be talking more about it soon 🙃.

Do you have any of the integration channels?

(10-20 Channel of Awakening, 10-57 Channel of Perfected Form, 20-34 Channel of Charisma or 34-57 Channel of Power?)

The Integration Channels are made of four channels from these four gates: 10, 20, 34 & 57. Depending on what gates you have, you may have one, several or all of these channels (or none)

Themes of the Integration Channels

Every circuit (or in this case collection of channels, has themes or keynotes that help us to understand the energy underneath the channels). These are some of the themes of Integration:

+ Self-empowerment

+ Individuation

+ Differentiation

+ How we’re different

+ Survival

+ Self-preservation

+ Being self-sufficient

+ Being your own weird self FOR yourself

Want to learn more about the channels? Get access to the full Channels Library here

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